UNIVERSITY OF YALOVA (0226) 815 63 14

The list of students whose 2024-2025 Academic Year Fall Semester Excuse Exam applications are accepted is as follows:

Students who will take the makeup exam should contact the instructor of the course for the exam date and exam location information. 

Head of Department of Industrial Engineering


Student Number Name Surname Courses with Excuse Exams
20*****27 P**** B*** E**  Yöneylem Araştırması-1
Diferansiye Denklemler
Sportif Balıkçılık
19*****24 A*** G******** Tesis Planlama
Engineering Economics
21*****62 M**** Y***** Olasılık Teorisi
Kritik Analitik Düşünce
20*****31 A*** N** G***** Work Study
20*****55 E*** U***** Tesis Planlama
20*****11 Y**** K** Tesis Planlama